
We left the RV park about 9:15 headed to Legoland and returned at 6:30, which added up to be a long, tiring day for this old guy, but not so much for Lassen. I think he did everything he hoped to do and had a great time. 


Lassen tried to entice me onto the roller coaster ride, but a sign at the entrance warned that this ride was not recommended for the elderly. I guess that applies to me so I had a good excuse to not accompany him. He joined up with another family to make a foursome. I have never liked roller coasters so was happy to wait for him. When he returned he said, “The ride was really fast and a little scary, but awesome. It was breathtaking.” I wish I could have captured a photo.


High on his list was to drive a car in the Volvo track. First he applied for his Legoland driver’s license, had his photo taken, and received his license. There were about 20 cars and by the time he got on the track his car was way in back, out of range to get a photo. He really enjoyed this ride. 



The day was pleasantly cool and we didn’t have to wait in any lines longer than 20 to 30 minutes. Lassen had his photo taken with several characters from The Lego Movie. Emmet was his favorite.Image


I couldn’t resist Lassen’s persuasive powers when he wanted me to accompany him on a ride where the large boat/raft/barge goes up a track and then plunges into the water. I thought if we were in the back row we wouldn’t get too wet. Big mistake. We got soaked. Fortunately I took off my outer shirt and went just with my undershirt. That way I had a dry shirt after we got off the ride. Lassen did the same. I think me getting soaked made his day. It sure made my day. I guess that is one of the roles of being grandfather.



Two other rides we went on were a Pirate Ship that tossed and turned and a helicopter ride where Lassen had the controls for going up and down as well as left and right. Both rides were tame compared to the splash boat.




While Lassen was totally captivated by the rides, Pat and I found all the Lego creations to be totally beautiful and amazing. I would love to see how they go about creating the animals, characters, buildings, and other constructions.




Lassen had money to spend so the last stop before leaving was to visit the large gift shop near the entrance/exit. He searched throughout the store and ended up puchaseing just a few small items and The Lego Movie DVD. All in all a good day was experienced by everyone.

As you might have guessed, we had to view the movie before going to bed. It’s a great movie and he is proud to be the only one among his friends that has the movie. Not sure of our plans for tomorrow.

Thanks for checking in.

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